Kerbal Space Program For PC Direct Links

22:55 Unknown 0 Comments


If the space, stars, galaxies and astronomy you're interested, be sure to enjoy the game space program Karbala Kerbal Space Program. In this game you can find a variety Vsayyl space flight simulator like the shuttle, launch missiles, etc. and to send various stars and planets. The game has both a free and a story that the second type of mission variety and so do things like transfer. With the game Kerbal Space Program can gain new experience from outer physics. The solar system is designed to play on our system. For example Moho planet like Mercury, the planet Venus is similar Iowa, Mars and other planets and moons Dyvna like atmosphere in the game is designed. Careful planning, the design, aerodynamics and fuel consumption, astronaut training, quality control, lack of overload, weather and many other factors and other issues to consider as well spacecraft design. Or otherwise do not fly or explode after a few seconds.
CPU: Core i3 
OS: Windows 7 
HDD: 2 GB HD space

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