Venom. Codename: Outbreak For PC Direct Links

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Venom Codename Outbreak computer game style of game action by GSC Game World has recently designed and marketed by the manufacturer for the PC platform. Venom including 3D strategy games that Atfaqt events that occur in the near future. Aliens have attacked Earth and your task is to destroy them and prevent the destruction of the human race. In this game you play the role of a member of the trained Ukrainians to pay. In this game there are more than 10 missions in single player and multiplayer that they can be completed or LAN with your friends. Fighting in the game as best as possible to be portrayed. The success of any operation depends on the willingness and ability of you and your troops. To be able to see you stay hidden enemy, destroyed their bases in the forests and mountains, based pollen and this makes the addition to work you hard, you surprise rate increase by enemies. Interestingly, this game developed by the team STALKER. I would recommend this game to miss. You can now download the game attractive to powerful servers Persian receive and enjoy the game.
Windows XP / Vista / 7/8 
1.8 GHz Processor 
512MB RAM (1 GB recommended) 
3D graphics card compatible with DirectX 9 
Mouse, Keyboard

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