Besiege v0.11 PC Game Direct Links

20:10 Unknown 0 Comments


Besiege computer game style of game simulator designed by Spiderling Studios and has recently been released by the manufacturer for the PC platform. Siege, a game based on the physical construction where you have to use the means at its disposal, car design medieval times. Machines that you can build a mill or secret weapon to destroy enemy forces on the battlefield. The higher you go, the game allows you to design more sophisticated equipment, for example, you can create a drum roll that is causing thousands of deaths on the battlefield. Finally, you should take advantage of all abilities and your creativity in this game so you can protect your territory against the enemy. I would recommend this game to miss. You can now download the game attractive to powerful servers Persian receive and enjoy the game.
OS: Windows XP (latest SP) 
Processor: Core 2 Duo 
Memory: 1 GB RAM 
DirectX: Version 9.0c 
Hard Drive: 1 GB available space

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